Saturday, August 5, 2023

bells and laughs

 Jackie and I  went to a wedding  today

    A friend of ours tied the knot, and invited us.  It was a nice event.

    They married in a small rural church.  The church had several really neat stained glass windows, amazing windows.  It was very cool.

    They had a moving chair for the stairs.  I could not get Jackie on the chair, so a couple of people helped.

    When we reached the upper level where the church was, a very nice woman pinned a boutineer on me and a corsage on Jackie.

    We went in and sat in the back, because the wheelchair was out of the way there.  But the church is small, so we could see perfectly.

    I went over to visit some friends, and they complimented my flower.  I said I thought all the people were getting flowers, but no one else had them.

    That should have been a clue.

    Afterwards, we were sitting at the reception and the lady that pinned the flowers on us came over and leaned in to me.

    "When you came in, I was watching for the father and mother of the bride.  I was told they drove a black van and she would need to use the moveable chair to come up.  I saw you get out of your van, saw her use the chair and figured you were the mother and father of the bride."

    That's why we got the flowers!

    I told her she should have just come and gotten them when the parents did arrive, but for some reason she did not.

    I should have asked her why we were getting flowers, and she should have asked if we were the parents....but neither of us did.

    We all laughed about it.

    After the cremony there were several folks taking the moveable chair down, so we were the last.  I'll be damned if I could get her into the chair.  The groom had to come up and pick up Jackie and get her into the chair.  

    Getting her out of the chair is easy, but people were waiting for the bride and groom so they could take pictures and he was helping us.

    All went well.

    And it is a family tradition for hte bride and groom to take a ride around the small town after the ceremony.

    So the bride and groom hopped on a motorcycle and took a short ride.  I was told it usually is in a car, so this was a family first.

    Capping off the day, the Cubs won!!

    All in all, a good day.

Peace and Love

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