Thursday, August 3, 2023

eh gads

I am so confused lately 

    I mentioned yesterday I was exposed to someone who had Covid.  I was not.  I saw the people the day before they were exposed, so unless Covid is a time traveler, I am safe.

    I just wish I had thought that through before I swabbed my nose, which sent me into a sneezing fit for at least 10 minutes.

    Honestly, I am a knee jerk reactor. (And yes, I am aware people have also described me that way but left out knee and reactor.)

    By that I nean I don't always think about what I am about to do.

    Like when I called the plumber at 9:30 the other night because I was trying to delete his voicemail.

    Or today, when I ran into someone at the store and we talked.  She knew a lot about me, but I could not place her.  After I walked away, I said, "Dammit!  I am tired of being embarassed about asking people things."

    Granted, I should have said that to myself, but I did notice people tended to walk away from whereever I was standing after that.

    When I saw her again, (which is one of my favorite Mamas and Papas hits) I said, I am sorry, you look so familiar but I can't place you.

    She laughed and said that was alright, gave me her name, and I was able to ask about her husband, children and grandchildren.  The next time I see her I will remember to say hello Sandra.  Or Susan.  Or Janet.  Damn.

    My gas grill is not working right.  The burners light, then go out.  The last time that happened I needed a new regulator.

    So I went on the Weber site, clicked on customer service, and filled out the form.  I know Ace has replacement regulators, but this grill is 11 years old and I want to be sure I get a proper replacement.

    Anyway, I filled out the form and hit submit.

    Nothing happened.

    I hit submit again.

    Still nothing.

    I think it was on the fifth attempt that I noticed a little box in the upper right hand corner of the page that said, "form successfully submitted."

    In my case, it is 5 forms successfully submitted.

    In my humble opinion, the damn box should have been much bigger and somewhere besides the upper corner of the page.

    My eye is still red from rubbing it, my stomach is better, but I seem to have some hives on my legs and arm.  I think I ate something I should not eat, but the only thing I can safely eliminate is emu and alligator.

    Anyway, the Cubs have been entertaining.  Hope that continues tonight.

Peace and Love

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