Saturday, August 19, 2023


 People are bugging me today

    Like the person shooting off fireworks as I write this.  Really???  9:30 and you are shooting off firecrackers.  

    Or the clown who had the bass going in full blast in their car.  Our windows literally shook!  I thought the world was exploding, but it was some person driving up and down the road with the bass blasting.  Then they parked in the park and sat with it blaring there for far too long.

    Whoever it was will be deaf by the time they are 30.

    And the people with 4 wheelers and ATVs.  Those bug me a lot too.  If you are a parent, get our kid a bicycle and have them ride around the neighborhood on that instead of a gas guzzling, fume spewing, noise making buggy.

    I don't mind golf carts.  Generally they go slower, are quieter, and don't bug me when they drive down the road. 

    Speaking of golf carts, I can see water in the batteries!  I have pushed down 6 gallons and I think 2 more will do it.  I counted 86 steps from the front of the house to the I want that sucker working sooner or later.

     Funny thing.  Or two.  I always go to the Heritage Festival car show.  But today, I did not.  I can't explain it, just had no desire to go.  I also usually go to Amboy to buy raffle tickets, but I did not this year.  

    (Here he goes again.  Feel free to skip this paragraph.)  Sleep was rough last night.  I went to bed before 11, counted the cuckoo at 12, 12:30 and 1.....but not again until 3.  I fell asleep reading on the porch  this afternoon.  I did not have any caffeine this afternoon and I plan on reading after I am done with this.  Maybe that will get my mind relaxed.

    I also got a bike ride in today.  A little over 5 miles because I started late.

    Bike ride, cleaned the bathroom, emptied the compost buckets, did 2 loads of laundry, filled the bird feeders, watered the plants.......almost everything on my list for the day.  Amazing.  And I am not tired.

    Stay cool my friends.

Peace and Love

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