Wednesday, August 2, 2023

fingers crossed

 Health issues on my mind today

    I have a tendency to rub my eyes. 

    Last night Julia looked at me and said, "What did you do to your eye?"

    It's as red as an apple.  And not the Granny Smith apples, either.

    This is not the first time I have done this.  I can't seem to remember not to rub my eyes hard. When  I do,  I get a bloodshot eye because I break some blood vessels.  

    I had some food I have never had before.  Julia bought some empanadas (?) Sunday.  Jackie and I had them and Spanish style rice last night, and I went to bed with a slightly upset stomach.

    Now, it could have been the food, or the wine, or the countless other objects I put in my mouth at night, but I had a queasy feeling.

    My right leg hurts.  I know it is from lifting too much, but that can't be helped.  I put ice and later heat on it, and that helps.

    But the big worry I had was when I heard a friend has Covid.  I saw that person recently, so this morning I took a home Covid test.  It came back negative.  I will take it again tomorrow to be sure.

    I hope they make a quick recovery.

    Jackie and I had pedicures today.  Had an interesting conversation about names.  Like, how does Robert become Bob?  John become Jack? Margaret, Mary?  Or any of the other names that derive from the given name.  I told her I did not know.

    The person was not a native English speaker but learned English in school.  When she came to this country she had to learn our English!  I believe she also speaks French and Chinese......but I am nto positive about the French. Or the Chinese.

    And Jackie checked her voice nessages to her brother.....we certainly don't want a repeat of last night, although we did laugh a lot.

Peace and Love

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