Monday, August 28, 2023


 I am after the ground squirrels...again

    I have trapped and released 5, and thought I pretty much got them.

    Julia said the other morning she saw 3 in the yard by the feeder and a couple more out in the back of the yard.

    So after mowing tonight, I set 3 traps.

    It's not that I hate hte little critters, in fact I think they are very cute.

    But they leave holes in my yard.  Lots of holes.  Plenty of holes.  More holes every day.

    When I can find them, I will get some pine cones and shove them into the holes, but I don't know if that will get rid of the ones I have.  Time will tell.

    Before I mowed today (chore 2 on my list of 4) I met Dolly and John for coffee in DeKalb.  I had three other stops to make, so it worked out well.  We spent over an hour just talking and laughing.  It was an enjoyable time.  Plus, they bought the coffee!

    I made  a point of writing all my stops down, plus what I needed to get at each stop.

    Doing that only helps if you bring the paper along, which I did not.

    But I did get everything on my list!  I guess the mind is not as gone as I imagine it is at times.

    I do have a question, especially for any guy who read this.

    Do you have hair on your knee caps?  My left leg has very little, but my right knee has a short stubble that is really irritating when I touch it.  During the summer, when I drive, I seem to touch it a lot and it is bothering me.

    So I guess I will have to shave my knee.

    Never thought I would say that in my lifetime.

    Sometimes I am too laid back.

    Today I went into a grocery store for 3 items.  I saw a display for Pepsi 24 packs for $10.99.  Since this store offers a senior discount on Monday, I decided to buy a 24 pack of Pepsi.

    When I get to the checkout, I mention to the young man running the register that it's senior day and I am a senior.  He says of course, and rings up all my items except the Pepsi rings up at $11.59.

    I say to him, The Pepsi is only $10.99.  There is a big display by the door with a sign that says "Hot Buy."

    He calls a manager over and I say the same thing and the manager tells the checker, "Give it to him for $10.99."

    I wanted to say, "Wait a minute.  You are not "giving" it to me for $10.99.  You are selling it to me for the price you have posted on your display."

    But I bit my tongue and said thank you, even though I should not have said thank you because that was the price they had.

    Adding on to my anger, when I got home I looked at my receipt and....... no senior discount.

    So my shopping expierience slightly dampened my enthusiasm for the day.

    And they I listed to the Cubs when mowing.......

Peace and Love

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