Friday, August 4, 2023

this and that

Just a lot of odd things on my mind tonight 

    I bought lottery tickets for the $1 billion game tonight.  No, I don't expect to win.  But I will regret not buying them.  I can't imagine winning a billion bucks.

    On the way out of the gas station, some stranger on a motorcycle yelled to me, "Hey, why don't you give me your winning ticket. "

    I told him no, I was keeping it for myself.

    "I'll give you $10 bucks for it," he said.

    I told him I would sell it to him for  $10 tomorrow.

    We both laughed.

    Curt is my friend.  In the past, I have sometimes called him Todd.  I don't know why.  He has always been Curt.  But my mind sometimes does not work correctly.

    I wanted to text him about zuchinni.  He usually has a lot.

    I was in the car, and used the voice recognition.  He was not in my address book.

    That was strange, because I have texted and called him before. 

    I tried again, same message.

    Jackie said to me, "Try Curr."

    Sure enough.  In addition to Todd he is Curr.  I did edit the entry in my address book when I got home.

    U.K. Mike in Corseaux....I made a proper mojito tonight.  Well, almost proper.  I have had the soda for a while and it was flat.

    We ordered mojitos in London and they were the worst alcoholic drink I have ever had.  

    Even though I had flat soda, I enjoyed  my mojiteo while sitting on the patio and hearing all the night sounds....crickets chirping, locusts singing, all sorts of bugs making noises.

    I eventually realized I was not wearing my hearing aids and it was the tinnitus that was giving me sounds.

    I rode around the block 3 times tonight.  That was 6.24 miles.  I need to keep that up.

    One year ago I was 204 pounds.  When summer started, I was down to 192 because I was walking regularly at the REC.  I even got down to 190 before going to Europe, but I am now at 192 again.  Hopefully, salads and bike riding will help me reach my goal of 185 by Aug. 1.  Uh, make that Sept. 1.  Or maybe Oct. 1.  But November for sure.

    By the way, my mojito was very strong and acceptable.

Peace and Love

    Curt (Aka Currr, Aka Todd) broung me some zochinni.

    He named this one the sleeping swan.

I am conducting an experiment.  I read where wrapping the stem of a banana in plastic wrap will keep it fresher longer.  So, I wrapped one in plastic wrap and put it on a plate with one not wrapped.  We'll see if it makes a difference.

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