Thursday, August 31, 2023

dang it

 Tomorrow is Sept. 1

    What happened to summer?  It has flown past quickly.  Now I find some of the things on my to do list don't matter....such as getting the fountain on the porch working.  Procrastination does have its benefits.

    So does paying attention.

    We were in DeKalb yesterday for a morning doctor visit for Jackie.  Julia asked if we could stop at the bagel shop and get her a couple of bagels.

    She texted me her order.  But I left my phone at home.

    So she texted the order to Jackie's phone.

     Now, I am not familiar with her phone.  I was paying close attention to the phone when I went in the back door of the bagel shop.

    What I was not paying close attention to was the small step, clearly marked in black and yellow warning tape.

    I stepped normally  and smashed my right leg on the floor.  I did not fall, but today my knee is a little sore and my back and hip seem to be barking at me.  I noticed the knee when I rode my bike tonight.  

    And I complain about people watching their phones when walking.  Shame on me.

    Yesterday I dropped Jackie's morning pill container and pills spilled out all over the bedroom floor.  I recovered 7 of the 8.  Knowing Beth will eat anything on the floor, except medication for her, I looked.  Julia came and helped me look.  We moved the bed, dresser, high boy, side table.  I used a Swifter to dust every inch, then I vacuumed it.  No pill.

    We both assumened it went down the floor vent.

    A while later I set the pills on the table to be sure she knew which one was missing and there were 8 pills.  Huh.  At least the bedroom floors are dusted.

    Digression.  On this date in 1920, John  Lloyd Wright got a patent on Lincoln Logs.  He went to Japan  with his father  to investigate a hotel his father designed, built with interlocking beams to prevent falling in earthquakes.  His father, Frank Lloyd Wright, took John to look at the damage caused by an earthquake and the Wright designed Imperial Hotel was still standing.  Young John came home and invented Lincoln Logs based on dad's inteerlocking beam design.

    That was from Neil Steinberg's book, Every Goddamn Day.

    And with that, good night.

Peace and Love


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