Saturday, July 1, 2023

last of my love

 I fell in love with a city in France

    Yvoirre is across the lake from Lausanne.  It is a medieval walled city, with some of the wall still in place.  It is now a tourist site with many shops.

    But for me the beauty has always been the flowers, and the food.

    Perch fillets   fried in butter, served with a salad and fries has been a staple of mine whenever we come here.  Jackie and I first came here probably in 2002 or 3.  It was one of the places Julia recommended we go.

    You can drive to Yvoirre, but taking the boat is more relaxing and fun.

    So today, we took the boat to Yvoirre.  Well, Linda, Sherrie, Cathy and I took the boat while Julia and Dan drove.

    Linda went with Julia and Dan back, which was good because Julia can buy more meat for her barbecue next week.  Swiss rules limit people to  a certain amount of meat that you can bring back into Switzerland from France.  So, the more people, the more meat.

    Enough of that.

    We had a great day wandering the streets. But it was a long day.  We were on the boat for quite a while.

    Since we had a big lunch, Julia stocked up on picnic items and we had a picnic for supper.

    We went to a small park near the hotel and were joined by Mike, another of Julia's amazing friends.  He. brought some fun to the party in many forms.

    So, enough words.  Let the pictures speak

Loki mom, I'm driving!!

Main dining room

A blurry picture of the shore

In front of the main gate at Yvoirre

The castle at Yvoirre

A rainbow!!

A picnic in the park

It's a ginger liquor....very tasty!  Thanks, Mike!!!


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