Sunday, July 16, 2023

fun times

 Today was a darn good fun day

    Our nephew, Jason, was here from Pennsylvania to visit his folks.

     So, Jason,  my brother Carl and his wife Ruth came to our house.  So did our sister in law our niece, her husband, and daughters.  In addition, one daughter brought Max, which made it 13 people when figuring us in on the equation.

    I burned some brats and burgers, Julia made taco salad and some Suddenly Salads, our niece  brought dessert and we told stories, laughed, ate, and had a great time.

    Julia was especially helpful with preparing some munchies and the salads.  Since Emily was working until 6, and another daughter was coming out late, we had a late supper.  

    Now, a late supper is anything after 5 when you are over 70.  

    Emily has a couple of dogs that just are skitish.  After a year or more, I can finally pet one of them, but the other shies away from me.

    I took Sam and Max over to meet the hounds and I will be damned if Max didn't sit down next to  the dog and start petting it!  The dog was a little skittish, but really enjoyed the petting.  

    After a few minutes, the dog moved away and Max followed it and squatted and petted it again.

    I was amazed, and a little jealous. He touched the dog more in 5 minutes than I have done in years!

    We took video of the encounter and showed it to Emily, who was also very impressed.

    Anyway, we had a fun time catching up.  These events are too infrequent, but with people spread out so far, it is hard to get together.

Peace and Love

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