Saturday, July 22, 2023

blah blah blah

 That's kind of how my day went

    I did a couple of loads of laundry, went to the store, made blueberry muffins, watched the Cubs and played euchre with friends.

    Playing cards was the best part of the day.  It gave us tie to catch up, visit, talk, relax....all of that.

    I first learned to play euchre at Funks Seeds when I worked there one summer.

    We would play on our breaks and at lunch.

    We could get one game in on our 15 minute break.  We did that because we did not talk, did not plot out strategies or think about the game.  We called trump or passed.  And no throw ins, dealer had to call trump if everybody passed.

    When we play here, it is usually an hour game.  Talking, getting refreshments, mulling over our all takes time.

    The second game we played without all that.  Pass or pick up.  Trump or slough off. Don't take a lot of time to think, just play.

    I like it better that way.  I seem more focused on the game.

    My partner MK and I won both games.  The second game was something like 10-1 or 2.  We played it in less than 20 minutes.

    And we still had time to talk, just not as much.

    All in all it was a pretty good day.  Cubs win, we win, laundry gets done.  Muffins taste good.  And now I can hear thunder, so maybe a little rain will fall our way.

    Can't beat that.

Peace and Love

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