Monday, July 17, 2023

good bye????

 Will this be my last post?

    When I win the Powerball tonight, it could be.  

    Don't worry.  I will take care of all my friends.  Each of you will receive $50 gift cards.  Who says I am cheap?

    The last I heard, the prize was approaching $1 BILLION.  I know, that is a lot of $50 gift cards.

    I read a story the other day about scams being run on older people.  Those are now people my age.

    Last year 88,000 people over age 60 reported being scammed out of a collective $3.1 BILLION! 

    A story in the Sunday Trib talked about 2 of the people.  One got a "bill" for an online software subscription account and he clicked on the tab.  I believe he lost over $70,000 because he provided them with his bank account.  

    Another woman lost $75,000 after  she clicked on a pop up that said her computer had a virus.  She called the number and followed their instructions, which involved taking thousands of dollars out of her account and buying Bitcoin and then sending it.

    Both people said they were aware of scams and were careful, but left their guard down.  And it cost them.

    I keep hoping neither us or any of our friends fall for something like that.  But we are all looking for a deal, and many of us are too trusting. very careful, no matter what your age.  Monitor the computer doings of older relatives.

    And be alert.  Don't be scammed.

    In appreciation for this reminder, feel free to send $100 gift cars to me.

Peace and Love

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