Friday, June 30, 2023

Day 1

 Today was our first full day in Switzerland

    It was kind of a do it your way day,

    Dan and I went to a fort.  Linda went to Chillion.  Dan and Linda went to the Chaplin Museum.  Cathy and Sherie wandered around the lakefront.

    We all went to Charley's at about 5:30 for some wine.  It used to be Charley's, but new owners changed the name but the old timers call it Charley's still.  Like Sears Tower and Comisky Park.

    Anyway, we had a fun couple of hours there before we left Julia with friends and went to eat.

    I swear, food is a driving force on this trip!  We have had Indian, Thai, Italian and 2 British Pub experiences and it has all be pretty darn good.

       Dan and I toured a fort.

    The Swiss prior to WW II built a series of forts inside the mountains in case some  crazy dictator tried to invade the country.  Eventually , following the Cold War, the forts became decommissioned.  A local person bought this fort and turned it into a museum.

    `There are some great videos  shown inside,

    For instance, in the operating room a video is playing  on the back wall.  The doctor is calling for instruments and his orderly keeps handing them to him.  Back and forth they go until at some point you realize he is doing the surgery with a Swiss Army knife!  At the end they celebrate by using the opener on the knife to have som e refreshments.

    I guess you had to see it.

    Oh well.

    Some pictures.

Peace and Love

videos acted out life in the fort

In o ne of the fort's tunnels

View from my hotel window

Is that rain??

Enjoying some wine

Looks like rain!!

Dryness under the eaves

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