Tuesday, July 18, 2023

dog gone fun

 We had visitors today

    Friend Luke stopped by with his daughters, J and G.  They were on a road trip from their home in Vermont to visit family in Wisconsin and stopped in to see us on their way home.

    Jackie and I met Luke and Chris a long time ago at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in DeKalb.  Both were very involved with the church and when they moved to Vermont they were missed.

    Chris was the person who inspired me to go back to growing vegetables.  She taught me about "lasagna" gardens, which involve layers of various items like straw, newspaper, dirt, compost, manure.......my plants do grow well most of the time.

    She didn't make the trip this time because of work, but Luke and the girls did.

    It was great to see them.  We went to visit them in Vermont in 2016, when J was just about a year old.  She has grown up to be a second grader almost overnight.  It was a treat to meet her younger sister for the first time.

    We ended up talking for almost 2 hours, which may have affected their driving plans for the day.  Luke was taking the girls to the Shedd in Chicago and for pizza before heading for Cleveland.

    They are really good people.  I asked about the flooding and he showed pictures of areas near their home, but because they are on high ground they were not affected.  But many friends were.

    I also took some time to take care of Emily's dogs.  Julia let them out once and I let them out a couple of times.  I don't think the dogs were happy.

    Got in a 40 minute nap and a 25 minute bike ride.  

    But the highlight of the day was the Vermonters.  I sure hope we don't have to wait 7 years to see them again!  I also hope they have a safe trip home.

    Peace and Love

The flowers I could not ID were/are a prairie sunflower.  They are pretty, but I don't like them where they are.  They get fairly tall and block the back garden.  I hate to dig them out, but that really bothers me.

My favorite flower

My favorite Vermonters!!!


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