Thursday, July 13, 2023

it's your birthday

 1976 was a very good year

    Our nation celebrated its bicentennial and  Emily waas born.

    We lived on the south side of Rochelle and there was no overpass.  I was in fear that Jackie would go into labor and theire would be a train blocking all the crossings.

    The doctor decided to induce, and we went to Rockford Memorial Hospital, confident that no train would stop us mow.

    When the time came for delivery, they asked me if I was going into the room to witness the miracle.  I said no, I wanted everyone to concentrate on Jackie and the baby, not me collapsing n a faint at the first sight of bodily fluids.

    All went well.  Jackie and baby were fine, I was fine, Julia was fine.  Julia actually cried when she finally got to hold Emily.....but I think she was crying because we would not let her hold her at first.  Babies are pretty breakable.

    Little did I know within 24 hours of coming home  we would be headed back to Rockford because Jackie was bleeding... a lot.  

    We strapped the baby in the back seat, put Julia in the front seat and drove to Rockford Memorial, Jackie in the back seat, still bleeding.  As we drove, Julia kept asking, "Is mMommy going to die?"  That probably upset me more than anything.

    But, all is well that ends well.  The good doctor sewed her up, she may have spent the night in the hsopital, my brother tand sister in law took the kids and everything worked out in the end.

    So, happy birthday Emily!  

    We love you very, very much!

    That's it.

Peace and Love

Julia and her baby sister

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