Wednesday, July 26, 2023

lookey here!

 Not a lot to say tonight

        Whenever I say that, I end up writing a small book.  Not tonight.

        I am sharing some pictures I have taken lately.

You can see our little doggy out by the bird bath, looking for the ground squirrels.  You can also see the path she has made from the back patio!  She goes to the bird feeders, sniffs, then goes to the bird bath.  Beth follows the same path back.

The smokey skies make for some interesting sun sets.  These were taken in the park across the road from me.  I was riding my bike Sunday and the sun caught my eye.  I like the second picture better.

I have never seen the hook and ladder truck with the ladder extended.  They were doing some work on it today and blocked off Main Street so they could extend the ladder.  I had an opportunity at one time to climb the ladder, but I declined.  That was during my newspaper days.  And it was straight up.

I finally bought some new shorts.  This is the first day I have worn them.  Jackie looked at me and asked where I was bleeding, but it wasn't me.  It was the bag of cherries I bought that had a couple of leaky ones.  Hope the stains come out.

Peace and Love

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