Friday, July 21, 2023

burp, excuse me

 Well, I made it through the night

    Granted, I did take a few Tums after yesterday's crapfest, but everything stayed down although I did have a burning sensation.

    Today was better.  I ate sensibly.  I did not overstuff myself or eat a bunch of cookies and chocolate.

    Aside from that, I did have one victory.

    I found shorts I like that fit at Target.  And even better, they were half price!  So I have 2 new pair of shorts to show off my amazingly beautiful legs.

    I stopped at Pickin Station to put a few more items out for sale.  Jackie asked me how long we (Linda and I) were going to do this.  I said as long as I can sell enough to pay the rent, I was good with it until at least October.  

    I just don't know if I am selling enough to pay the rent!

    Time will tell.

    I mowed most of the yard today.  Actually, I started at 7 and quit about 8:30 when I could not see the lines very well.

    Then I got out the golf cart and filled the bird feeders.  As I was riding, I thought, "Geez....I have not checked the water level in the batteries yet."

    If the batteries get too low on water, the cart loses power.

    After I filled the feeders, I put the cart in forward and it barely moved.

    I got Julia, brought out the riding mower and a tow rope, and hauled ther cart back to the garage.

    Tomorrow I will buy some distilled water and then maybe ask neighbor Jim if I am filling it the right way.

    We had an electrician out today because my dimmer switch stopped working.  He fixed that, then got his huge ladder to change the bulb on the landing to the basememt.

    I have one of those poles that extends and has a bulb grabber on the end, but it was not the right size.  That will cost me.

    So much for my boring life, eh?

Peace and Love

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