Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Lost and found

I am not good with maps or directions

    I tend to navigate by sight, and intuition.  Which explains why I am frequently turned around.

    We found a tourist info center and got maps.  Dan, Linda and I started out toward a church named Fraumunster.  The church was founded in 853 but the building is much newer than that.  It has a tall steeple.  But the important point about it is the stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall.

    We oriented the map and began following the trail to the church.

    However, some streets are not marked and some streets are not shown on the map, so we were having difficulty finding the way.

    I asked a young man if we were on our way to  Fraumunster.  He said yes, go straight and it was the church with the tall steeple,

    So, we went straight  only to find that was not Fraumunster.  I asked another person and he said to go left on the next street, go left again and keep going until you see the big church.

    Yes.  I am a man and asked directions.  Next time I will ask a woman first.

    This time we found block over from where we had asked the first person, I think.

    Anyway, it was a nice church and the Chagall windows are pretty impressive.

    We then wandered around, had lunch, and headed back to the hotel.

    It rained some of the day, heavy art times but lightly most of the time.  I did not go to Pilates because of that, Hopefully the weather will be clear tomorrow.

    Yesterday Megan and I stopped for coffee and we ordered a lemoncello dessert.  It had a hard c cookie base, with a creme filling and a lemon icing.  It was so good, I went back today and had another.,Methinks my coffee and pastry bill Weill be more than my wine bill this trip.

Peace and Love

    And pictures.

Flower ship in Zurich

Inside Fraumunster

A Chagall window

Another Chagall window

On a bridge in Zurich

People leave love locks on this bridge....some rather strange

Bike parking at the Zurich station


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