Thursday, July 27, 2023

have we tipped?

 Yes, I am an alarmist

    I am not a scientist.  But I don't like what is happening in the world.

    Droughts, fires, incredible heat.  Water off the coast of southern Florida has been reported at 100 degrees!  Ocean water!!  That hot!!

    Holy cripes, what have we done?

    The ocean currents in the Arctic may collapse, further altering weather in Africa, and other places, possibly leading to worse droughts, if that is possible.

    I know, I usually write about cheerful, uplifting silly stuff.....but I do believe we have passed he tipping point.  We have damaged Earth.  We have not been responsible shepherds of this beautiful orb.

    And now we are paying the price.

    All the while big industry, most governments, and a lot of politicians seem to be saying....."Eh.  Big deal.  It's a little warm.  So what?"

    As Pogo used to say, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

    Come back tomorrow for more cheerful chatter.

Peace and Love

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