Sunday, July 23, 2023


 I sometimes am an idiot

    I said sometimes.  Don't fight me on that.

    The other day I was going into town.  The county was doing some road work on Center Road.  It was 1 lane.  

    The guy waved me around, and I drove on the wrong side of the road as instructed until I was past the construction.  Then I pulled into the correct lane.

    I was going merrily along when I noticed a vehicle ahead of me going very slow.  Very, very, slow.

    Uunfortunately, I was not.

    I don't know at what point I realized the vehicle was stopped.  Maybe, just maybe, the flashing yellow lights should have been a clue.

    There was a young man as a flagger there.  Evidently I was supposed to stay on the wrong side of the road, but I did not realize that.

    I hit the brakes fairly hard, not screeching to a stop, but slowing quickly.

    I rolled my window down and looked at the flagger and said, "Holy cripes!  I was not paying attention!"

    His answer:  "That was really a close one!"

    You said it.  I can see the headlines now:  Senior citizen smashes van into parked truck.  Film at 11.

    I think it was a valuable lesson in always paying attention.

    I rode my bike about 5.6 miles today.  That was really the only thing I acomplished, besides putting water in the golf cart batteries.  I hope that was the reason for the power loss last night.  Tomorrow will be the test.

Peace and Love

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