Tuesday, July 4, 2023

on the road

 I'm at my last Swiss stop

    I am in Zurich visiting my nephew and  family

    Dan, Linda and I took the train up from Lausanne and promptly got lost in the Zurich train station.The directions we had were exit, turn right, go about 3 minutes to the hotel.

    The station is so big, we could not figure out which part was the front and which was the back.

    I texted Megan and within minutes she arrived to rescue us.

    Seems we were thinking the right way, but the station is so huge we were overwhelmed.

    Julia bought a rolling duffel bag for me to take stuff back to the states.  Holy crap, is that thing a pain!   I can't get the rollers in the right direction and the bag sags a lot.  But, I only have to put it on the plane Friday, so I guess I can put up with it.

    As I post this, I realize we did not take a Dickow photo.........damn I am getting bad about things. 

    Tomorrow Micheal or Ben is in charge of getting me back to the train so I can get to the hotel and rejoin Dan and Linda

    That's it.

Peace and Love

Neat old building....note the tiki bar sign on the corner

The clock tower is a part of the building.

Yarn shop....note the post coverings.

We ate supper here.....great schnitzel amid a garden (center) setting

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