Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 I love the memories feature on Facebook

    It reminds me of good times, bad times, and that sometimes things don't really change that much.

    For example, in 2012 it was 100 degrees on this date and I was complaining about the heat.

    In 2013  TC and I were ready for Red White and Tuna.  In 2022 we were  ready for Tuna Does Vegas.  That means in 2031 we will be doing Tuna in the Old Folks Home. 

    On this date in 2016 the Cubs got Chapman from the Yankees, which helped break a 100 year plus World Series drought.

    In 2018 Greece was fighting out of control wildfires.  They are also doing that now.

    In 2021 friends Lauren and John were doing the RAGBRAI and dedicated this day's ride to me!

    Also n 2021, friend Sharon posted a picture of a guy who could be my twin!  When I looked at that memory today, I thought I was looking at me.

    Here's a funny thing or two. 

    When the group went from London to Liverpool, we took a train.  But I didn't remember how we got to the train station in London or the train ride.

    And when we flew from Manchester to Geneva, aside from the boarding process, I am drawing a blank on the entire flight.

    I have a charge for $3.14 on my Visa, so I must have bought a water or a pop on board....but I don't remember that either.

    Sounds like a song...."there are places I'll remember, all my life. "

    Except the plane and train.

    I hope I post the right entry tonight!

Peace and Love

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