Saturday, July 8, 2023

Looking back

 I finally downloaded my camera pictures

    The problem with a digital camera is the capacity to take pictures.  Years ago, with print film, people had to be certain of a photo.  People had to pay for the film and pay for the developing, so they were a little more selective.

    I say this because I just downloaded 1,373 pictures from my camera.  Idon't remember how many more were on my phone.

    The next few days will be random looks back...maybe in some kind of order.

    Or not.

Peace and Love

Tower or London a beautiful natural garden

Archers still man the ramparts

Slots were not religious in nature, but great for bow men

The picture that put me thrrough Hell!  I took out my cell phone to take this and my passport fell out.  That was the beginning of a nerve wracking 24 hours.

Traitor's gate into the tower.  

Trajan...emperor from about 98 to 117 AD.  This statue is in front of a wall the Romans built. And I thought I was old!

Our afternoon tea tour bus

The tube....mind the gap!

There were a lot of danties for us to eat!

We, actually they,  closed the terrace!

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