Thursday, July 6, 2023

One last day

 Sometimes reruns are just as much fun as the original

    Years ago I took the Pilatus round trip.  That involves a train, the world's steepest incline cog rail, a gondola and bus or lake boat.

    I liked the trip so much, I did it again.

    This Swiss stay has had a couple of repeats:  Yvoirre, Gruyere and Pilatus, but they are places I enjoyed and I hoped the rest of the group enjoyed them too.

    The original plan was for Linda and I to go to Pilatus yesterday, but it rained.

    She booked a tour of the Lindt chocolate factory today for her and Dan, so it was only me.

    I did not get lost.  

    I did make 2 bad decisions, which I realized right away, and I had a really mediocre day of food.

    My bad decisions.....I sat on the wrong side of the cog wheel train  for the trip up.  I knew where I should sit, but I sat in the wrong spot.  I only saw the mountains as we passed them.  I did the same on the gondola going down.  Just wasn't thinking.

    There is a hiking trail to the high point on Pilatus, and I took it.  It was beautiful.  The path was level, mostly paved, and then it started going up on loose rocks and big stones.  I kept going.  I was determined to reach the top so I could enjoy the magnificent views.

    Unfortunately Mother Nature intervened and when  I reached the top, you could not see anything because of the clouds.  Then it started raining.  So that was kind of a bust.

    All the way down the clouds would come and go...and so would the rain.  It was mostly light, but still irritating.

    I had planned to eat on the terrace at the restaurant but because of the rain there was no outside service.  So I got a panini.  

    The gondola ride down started in fog, but that cleared and there were excellent  views of the lakes.....but I was on the wrong side of the car!!  Crappers, I am a slow learner.

    hPartway down passengers change from the gondola , which olds about 50 people, to 4 person gondolas.

    That is where the mountain sleds are and also where my phone battery gave out.  I took lots of pictures with my camera camera, but I don't have a cable with me so I can't download them.

    I rode the sleds down and it was freaking awesome!  The first time I did it with Mike and the boys I was pretty slow.

    When they start you, they usually wait 15 or 20 seconds after the person in front of you starts.   That happened to be two girls and their father, who seemed scared to death.  When he pushed off, he was going super slow.

    After the girls went, the guy waited a bit, then I was on meh way.

    Halfway down I caught up to the last girl and had to stop before I  hit her.  Once I stopped, I had to push the run to get going again.  But honestly, I felt like I was flying down the mountain.

    When you reach the  bottom they turn the sled around, put you b ack on and drag you up the mountain backwards!!  

    Last time I did this trip I missed the bus back to Lucerne.  I was determined not to make the same mistake.

    I followed the signs until they hit a big intersection and then the signs disapperaed.  I was supposed to take a #1 bus back to the train station, so I waited until I saw 1 stop across the street.  I went over and read the directions, but it was not the right 1.  So I crossed back and found another stop for 1 and easily returned to the train station.

    Once back at the Lucerne station I realized the famous bridge is just across the road.  So I walked across it, taking a zillion pictures that I can't show you.  You will just have to believe me.

    I left at 10, got back about 8.  Dan and Linda were just getting ready for bed because they have an early flight tomorrow.  Mine is at 1:20, so I have a little more time to Olay around in the morning.

They gave me a baggie of Lindt chocolates, fresh from the factory.  People taking the tour are free to take as many samples as they want.

    And for supper I had.....another panini.  It was better than the first one, but that is not saying much.

    Tomorrow it is back to Illinois.

Jackie should be happy!

Peace and Love

climbed an hour and a half to get this picture

Guessing you can't see the lakes either

The straight line is the way back for the sleds....backwardss. the line off the right is the path up

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