Saturday, July 15, 2023


 I am back to vacation pictures

    Years ago I went to Lucerne and up Mt. Pilatus.  It was beautiful.

    I wanted that experience again this year.  Like I said, I did a lot of things I liked this trip, thinking it would be my last, and I wanted to relive those good times.

    I took the train to Lucerne, then rode the world's steepest cog wheel train to reach  the top.  Then I walked around a bit, eventually making my way to the highest point, only to have clouds and rain move in.

    I took a cable car down and at at the second stop rode a mountain sled.  Then I got back on a cable car and finished my journey down the mountain.  Once I was back in Lucerne, I wandered over to the bridge that is probably the most photographed in the world.

    The Chapel Bridge was built over 650 years ago.  Some 158 panels depicting  the history of Switzerland and Christianity were in the eaves under the bridge.  In 1993 part of the bridge burned, destroying or damaging 110 of the remaining 147 panels.  Only the ends of the bridge were saved.  In about 8 months the bridge was rebuilt and is still used as a pedestrian bridge.

    Some of the panels remain, but I can't imagine what it would have looked like in its full glory.

    Enough words.

Peace and Love

    View from the mountain sleds.  And some people coming down the hill.  Speed is controlled by pushing forward on the stick to go fast, pulling  back to slow.

Going down in the gondola

The Chapel Bridge and water tower

He was fishing off the bridge and netted a big one!

On a clear day the view is stunning...even on a cloudy day it is pretty good.

Somewhere in the fog is the gondola station.



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