Saturday, July 29, 2023

It's not a HA

 I got very scared tonight

    I sat down to do this and my head started pounding.  A thump thump thump that was very disturbing.  I have my hearing aids in, so the sound was clear.

    Heart attack?  Stroke?  Some sort of medical event?

    I stepped outside for some air and could hear it even louder!

    I realized it is music someone is playing.  Playing loudly.  And the beat is the same thump thump does not stop.  It's like Poe's tell tale heart!  

    I just took out my hearing aids and it is better, but I can still hear it!

    I think it is from at least one street over, maybe 2 and I am thinking how do the neighbors put up with it?

    Maybe it's a block party.

    It reenforces my belief that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

    Anyway, we survived the storms, which seemed to go north and south of us, again.  We did have about 1 inch in the rain gauge. 

    And for some reason, I keep misspelling gauge.  I want to type guage, but that isn't right.  Now I'll be confused.

    We went to Rockford for lunch today.

    My relatives Mike, Megan, Michael and Ben are here from Switzerland and we wanted to get together for a little while.  So we met at Portillo's and had lunch and a great visit.

    Julia and I saw them about a month ago, but it has been a while for my brother, sister-in law ,and Jackie to visit with them.  Well, at least a year, maybe 2.  Sadly, Emily did not make it because she already had something.

    We talked about the great catch Palatine Mike made to end the Cubs win last night.   That's 2 home run saving catches by Cub outfielders in the past week.

    Maybe that's a sign that this team has a chance.

    All in all it was a pretty good day.

    And the music just got louder.  

Peace an Love

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