Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Well, I'll be

 This was a rough day for credit cards and me

    I am not real adept at using the internet for a lot of things.  I do order on line, and usually don't have a problem.

    But, and there is always a big butt, sometimes  things don't  go right.

    We have a new tv stand and a new tv.  We tried (To be perfectly honest, Julia tried while I just stood there) to hook up our dvd player and could not get it hooked up.  Now, it may be that the dvd player  is old.  Real old.  So old, we do not remember ever using it in this house.

    So, the suggestion was made to order a new dvd player with a disc changer so we could play music.  Julia found a couple on line and we decided on one from Best Buy.  Their cyber Monday sale was extended to Tuesday.  This player was $15 below normal cost.

    I ordered it.

    I got an e mail confirming my order.

    Two hours later I got an e-mail cancelling my order.  I tried customer service, but there was a long wait ahead.

    So I ordered the same make and model from a different site, but $12 more.

    This morning I got an e-mail from Best Buy that my order had shipped.

    I also got a notification from Capital 1 asking if I was in the process of buying $750 in goods from an Office Max in Columbus, Ohio.  I immediately texted no, then called the number on the back of my card.  That sale was voided and my card deactiviated.  It seems it was an on-line order and they did not have the correct 3 digit security code.  Amazing!  

    The biggest hassle will be when I get the new card and have to call the various agencies we do monthly billing with on that card.  I think there are 8 or so, and those calls never go well.  I procrastinate and it takes me forever.

    Oh least I am not out any money.  

    I posted my first Yelp review.  Jackie and I reviewed the cleaner that used to clean our house.  My review posted at Terry D from San Francisco.  I went in to try to edit and ended up posting another review, also Terry D from San Francisco. I don't know how to delete the review or change the location.

    On a final note....Julia was up at 4 a.m. today buying Cubs tickets for the game in London.  We had planned on going to both games, but the sticker shock of one  ticket changed that plan.  I guess they figure if you can afford to fly over there, you can afford the ticket.

Peace and Love

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