Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Jackie and I had an argument today

    I looked out the window and said, "Hey, it's snowing!"

    She looked out for a minute, then said, "No, dear, that is rain."

    I told her she was wrong. The temp was about 32 degrees, so it had to be snow.

    "It's rain, I tell you.  Rain!" she countered.

    This went on for a good five minutes.

    I even asked Siri, who answered that there was no precipitation in the area.

    What the hell!  Every woman was going to contradict what I was saying?  

    Whatever it was doing stopped.

    We ate our breakfast in silence.  She was mad as hell as me, I was pretty ticked at her.

    I looked out the window and it was doing the flurries thing again.

    "Look.  Snow.  You can't argue with that."

    But she did.

    "It's not snow.  It's a mist.  Mist is a light rain.  It is raining."

    We have a new neighbor.  He just moved in a month ago and is a really nice guy.

    As we were arguing rain/snow/rain/snow/right/wrong the doorbell rang.

    It was Rudy, who emigrated here about 10 years ago from  Communist Russia and moved into our neighborhood this past summer.

    "Rudy,"  Jackie said.  "Is it raining or snowing?"

    Without hesitation Rudy said it was raining.

    "How can you say that?"  I screamed.  "Look at the snow flakes!"

    Jackie calmly said,  "Rudolph the red knows rain, dear."

    End of argument.

    You are welcome.

Peace and Love

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