Saturday, November 5, 2022

odds and ends

Just a few random thoughts for today

    Say this out loud:  Have you been sleeping?.

    Now, be honest.  Did you say "bin"  or "ben" or "bean"?

    I say bin, but I don't know why.

    The ee combination almost always says e.  Feet, sheet, meet, greet.....get my drift?  So why, in been, do most of us not use the long e sound?

    Had Ranger out in the very back of the yard today.  He was taking a dump, (he goes regularly now, thank you) and he was on the long leash.  We have been working on "come" and I thought we would try it today.

    So I dropped the leash and said, "Come."

    He took off on a trot, dragging the leash behind.  I ran after him, but to be honest. unless I am chasing a turtle there is little chance I could catch anything other than a cold.

    He ran straight to the front door and sat there, waiting for me.

    Future sessions will be done with me holding the long leash.

    Froze carrots today.  While putting them away I found an apple pie from 2021.  Gonna bake it this week, because I love apple pie.

    Just took Ranger outfor his nightly potty walk.  Deer in the field.  Let's just say we were both pretty excited by the time I got him back.  But he did not pee, so we will go out again later.  He does not like the dark.  By the way, I did have hold of his leash.  Briefly. Lesson learned by me.

    One and a half inches in my rain guage today.

    256,000 views of this blog.  You folks are amazing to put up with my drivel.

Peace and Love




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