Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Sometimes what I don't know amazes me

    For instance, wanted to watch the Green Bay game on the bedroom tv.  But it is on Amazon Pirme.

    Julia came in and asked if the tv in the bedroom was a smart tv and I had no idea.

    She hit a couple of buttons...and bingo!  Football game!!  We have a smart tv in the becdroom and I had no idea it was a smart tv, even though I bought it.  Criminy Pete!

    Yesterday Jackie and I were in DeKalb for pedicures.  Well, Jackie had a pedicure because the person booking us only booked one.  I ended up just getting a nail trim, which is really all I need.  But the pedicures are nice.

    Anyway, stopped for milk and a couple of other items.  Walked out of the store having spent over $80.  I put all the groceries in the back seat.

    Got home, unloaded the car, got Jackie in the house, made supper.  About 9 I realized the milk was  not in the fridge.  I went out and found it on the floor behind the driver's seat  It felt cool, so I put it in the fridge.

    This morning I looked and realized the milk is bad.


    You know those indents on a milk carton?  They are more than decoration.  When milk starts to go bad, it gives off a gas.  If the indents are popped out, the milk is bad.  There were no indents on my milk.

    I think that while it was on the floor, it was in front of the rear seat heater.  So for 40 minutes or so the heat was hitting the milk.  After it sat in the garage it felt cooler, but the damage had been done.

    So, I had a doctor appointment today in DeKalb.  (My PSA does not register, which is great.  So the urologist said I can go a  year without a visit,  Good news!)

    I went in for a few things at a different store, came out, put the groceries in the car and realized I forgot the milk.

    Sigh......sometimes life can be a bit of a challenge for me.

    This weekend I have to test the outside lights so I can put them up when the heat wave hits Monday.  Testing the lights has been on my to do list for at least 2 weeks.

Peace and Love

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