Tuesday, November 8, 2022

ranger stories

 We had an interesting Ranger day today

    Julia gets  up first.  She lets Ranger out of his crate, which is in our bedroom.

    Ranger usually goes in the crate at night  and I just close the door  but don't latch it.  It's not that we don't trust him, but we don't want him jumping on and off the bed at night.

    Anyway, the pattern works this way.  Julia opens the crate, Ranger bounds out and jumps on the bed and licks my face.  Then he goes with Julia.  She usually takes him out, then feeds him.

    But Ranger does not seem to like the grass.  This morning she took him out and he did not want to leave the sidewalk.  She tried tugging on his lead, but he would not budge.  

    She went down to work, and Ranger followed.  

    An hour later, Julia became overwhelmed by an odious odor.  Mr Ranger went into the furnace room and dropped a load on the floor!

    He had never done anything in the house until today.  What caused this we do not know.

    I had a stern talk with the young man, telling him that is not appropriate behaviour.  Then I took him out and walked him around the yard, where he peed.

    Later we went out and he dropped another load and received lots of praise.

    He had a half eaten chew from last night.  Julia said he carried it downstairs and tried to hide it!  He went behind a chair, under a table, and finally decided to put it behind a pillow on the couch.

    He is quite the character.

    Sarah, I don't think he is going anywhere.  But nothing is definite yet.

    We voted today.  Cast our ballots for democracy.

    Trouble is, several local races, senator, representative, sheriff, county board, had only one name on the ballot.  I think that is a shame.  Races need to be competitive so voters know who they are getting.

    That's my 2 cents.

    And by the way, I did not buy my Powerball ticket in California.

    Oh well.

Peace and Love

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