Friday, November 25, 2022

boxes, little boxes

 And they are not made of ticky tacky

    OK, that was a line from a Pete Seeger  song from long, long ago.

    No boxes for me, but lidded plastic tubs and there are a lot of them!

    These are Christmas tubs.  Packed full of decorations, ornaments, an entire village, pictures, hangings, candles and whatever else happened to fall in the tote.

    The new rule is:  If you are coming up the stairs, bring something.  

    Julia has come up the stairs several times and has lugged a couple of lidded plastic tubs, some outdoor decorations and who knows what else.

    So far we have about half the stuff upstairs.  I will make a couple of more trips tonight, as soon as my knees heal. will all be put in place.

    I was in town picking up pizza when Julia called me about an animal in the back yard.

    She was downstairs and heard a banging on the basement wall.  She looked outside and saw a rabbit that was frantic and in obvious trouble.

    She thought it was injured or perhaps caught in something.  When I got home I got a flashlight and we went to check out the bunny.

    As I got close, it took off, running into a drainpipe and then my raised garden.   Then it turned around and ran back, smacking into the house.

    I am assuming the poor thing was blind.  It had no sense of direction, but stayed along the wall of the house.

    We did not know what to do.  Should we catch it and keep it in a plastic tub in the garage?  Do we take it to a vet to be cured or euthanized?  

    The rabbit sort of made our decision easy as it broke free from the wall and disappeared in the darkness of the yard. Neither one of us is fast enough to catch a rabbit, even a blind one.

    I imagine a hawk or coyote will eventually get it.  Or a car.  

    I felt bad for it, but hawks and coyotes need to eat too.

    I just hope its safe tonight.

Peace and Love

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