Tuesday, November 22, 2022

what a day

 This was a pretty darn good day

    We celebrated Julia's birthday by ordering take out from a local Mexican restaurant.  It was good, except Jackie wanted steak fajitas and got chicken instead.  I traded her my meal, which was qeuesidillas.  I doubt that is spelled anywhere near correctly.

    Emily wasworking and could not join us for supper.

    But little Sam came over and sang Happy Birthday to Julia, playing her guitar and singing in English then Spanish.

    I went to Walmart for the third time in 3 days.  I bought something for Jackie, went to the self checkout, and noticed I had the wrong item.

    I was on my way  to put it back when I heard, "Mr. Dickow!"

    It was a former student and her mother and they spotted me.  We spent the next 20 minutes talking and honestly, I could have spent hours talking with them.  She is an accountant, living and working in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  

    Boy, they sure grow up fast!

    She was in my class on that fateful Sept. 11.  That was 21 years ago already, which hardly seems possible.  

    Her sister is also on her way home from Colorado.....I think it is great that the entire family will be together for the first time in a couple of years.

    Then I went to Cypress House and was treated to a Bentley....cold brew, heavy cream, oat milk, a splash of egg nog and some peppermint shavings as a topping.  It was pretty smooth.

    For some unknown reason, the whole day lifted my spirits.  I tend to get a little down starting about Thanksgiving, but the visit, the birthday, the music, the coffee.....all put me in a better frame of mind.

    Now, if I can only hold that through the holidays.

Peace and Love

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