Thursday, November 3, 2022

gender fluid?

Ranger may not know it, but he is gender fluid 

    I call him a her or  she way too often.  He is a boy dog.  He is not a bitch.

    There.  Maybe that will clarify it in my mind, but I doubt it.

    I have also called him Corki a couple of times.  Jackie may have also.  We still miss her terribly.

    Luckily he responds to his name.

    He actually has had some training.  He can sit on command.  Today we were in the yard and he was on his long leash and I just let him go.  When he got far enough, I called his name and said come and he did. 

    But the next time we did that, he did not come.

    Stay is also a tough one.  I guess I shouldn't say that, it has only been a couple of days.

    He seems very smart.  He knows we go out the front door and come in the front door.

    I bought the winning lottery ticket tonight.  I know my odds are something like 229 million to 1 I will win, but a person can dream, can't they?

    I dug carrots today.  Tomorrow I will skin them, slice them, blanch and freeze this year's crop.  Last year's was not so good but tomatoes were great.  This year, not to many tomatoes but a lot of carrots.  Go figure.

    Normally I do not drink beer.  But I had one at the cast party and am having one tonight.  I did not like the party one, but the Spotted Cow is pretty nice.  I still prefer wine.

    And that' the way it is.

Peace and Love

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