Friday, November 11, 2022


 I don't know what happened today

    I got up before the alarm.  And yes, I did get dog licks when Julia got Ranger to take him out.

    I get Jackie to swing her legs over the bed, take her meds, then I lift her into the transport chair.  I have been doing this for a while now.  But, and there is always a big butt, sometimes there is a foul up.

    Which is why we were calling Kevin at 9 a.m. to help get Jackie off the floor.  I missed the chair. Julia and I tried, but the two of us are not strong enough to get her up and into the chair.  Actually, one person needs to hold the chair, so 3 people are needed.

    She did not get hurt.  Nothing broken.  It was a "soft landing" as I hear sometimes.

    The upside is Ranger got to spend a few minutes with her on the floor.  Not a lot of time, certainly not enough for Jackie, but it was time spent petting the dog.

    We got her up and all was well.  Thanks again, Kevin!

    Ranger does not seem to like the cold.  Maybe the grass is too cold for his feet, but he really did not want to leave the sidewalk.  I can't wait until it snows.  Maybe little booties for the boy?  We'll see.

    I also need to walk him in the front yard more.  It does no good for him to want to do his business in the back of the yard, because it may just be too cold and snowy to do that this winter.

    Corki would always look at the snow and go on the porch or sidewalk.  I would take the snowblower and make a path in the grass and I learned to clear the porch before letting her out.  That helped.

    I went with Emily and a bunch of people to see Clue, the play at Stagecoach in DeKalb.  It was an enjoyable show.  There were a couple of parts I thought it dragged, but overall it was good.  I always picture me in the show I am watching and I am not sure which of the male characters I could have been.  Or bean .  Or Ben. Oh well.

    Saw Renee and Wendy and a couple of other Rochelle folk there too.

    Julia stayed with Jackie, which is great for me because that allows me to go out once in a while.

    I see what they mean by it takes a village.....I had a lot of help today.

Peace and Love

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