Thursday, November 24, 2022


I think I ate too much 

    I  thought all the food was good.  The pumpkin pie was cited as not tasting as good as a home made one, and one person wasn't overly fond of the turkey, but I loved everything.

    What I loved most is for the first time in over 20 years, my family was together on Thanksgiving.

    Julia left in 2002, and had not been home for Thanksgiving since.  She always made it home for Christmas, but seeing her just a few times a year always left me a little sad at Thanksgiving.

    But today Julia, Emily, Jackie and I were all in the same room, in the same town, at the same time!  

    And my brother Carl and his wife Ruth were here.  Usually they are in Florida by now, but they delayed going for a few weeks and joined us.

    My lete brother Dennis was also here, as we remembered funny moments from the past......the pumpkin pie Jackie made but forgot to add sugar; eating on a ping pong table and only seeing shoulders and heads around the table; having Jackie drive to buy more liquor because she was the only sober one in the group......all happening at his house.

    And we had new friends too, friends bringing food like corn casserole and bacon wrapped weiners.  It was a nice time.

    Every Christmas I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and every time I get to the end I cry when Clarence writes, "No man is a failure who has friends."

    Yes, I am a schmaltzy kind of guy.

    But, and there is always a big butt, seriously..... you folks who read this don't realize how important you are in my life.  We have laughed together, cried together, acted together, worshipped together, worked together, dined together, got angry at each other, and through it all we have stayed friends.

    I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  But without my family and my friends,  not much else matters.

    Except my health.  That matters.  And money.  That matters a lot.  And a house.  Stores.  Wine.  

    And my family.  And my friends.

    Happy Thanksgiving

Peace and Love

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