Wednesday, November 2, 2022

darn it

 Sometimes my brain misfires

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in Sycamore and afterwards I stopped at a near by grocery store,

    First off, they have Christmas decorations up...even a tree!  Christmas music is playing on the in store radio.  It's Nov.2.

    Anyway, they had 1 pound packs of little carrots for 99 cents.  They had 2 pound packs for 99 cents with a coupon.

I asked the nice young man (and former student way back when) where I could get a coupon.

    He said they must be in the store magazine.  So he walked to the front of the store and got a coupon.  So he went to the service desk and they had a smaller magazine with weekly coupons, and there was the coupon for the carrots.

    I did the rest of my shopping, which was not much, went to the only person working checkout line, unloaded my first two items and gave her the coupon, realizing I never picked up a pack of carrots!

    So, she voided the transaction and I went back and got carrots.

    I went back the her line and as I was getting ready to pay, a huge red spot formed on my shirt.

What the heck, I said out loud.

    Oh, she laughed, that is the price reader pointed at your shirt.  Did you think you were being targeted with a lazer, she asked.

   No, I told her.  I thought I was bleeding out.

    She thought that was very funny.

    I walk back to our car and discover a stranger sitting in the front seat.

    I will say, there are an awful lot of black Pacificas in this world.  I was parked two rows over.

    Ranger went all day without the belly band, AKA diaper, and did very well.  He even went tentatively to Jackie to get a treat or two, but still won't get up onto her lap.

    Meanwhile, I tried to fold towels and she laid in the middle of the pile.  Makes it hard to get work done when she keeps giving me kisses.

    Also today, she went into her bag and got out a toy and played with it.  We throw it, she gets it and brings it back and drops it at our feet.  Except when Jackie throws it.

    Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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