Friday, November 4, 2022

picture day

 Not a lot to say tonight

    Hearing tomorrow's forecast, I took the patio furniture in this morning.  Julia said I should have asked her for help, but I didn't need help, so I didn't ask.  Jackie encouraged me to put it safely inside.

    Wind gusts of 60 possible.  Sounds like a fun day.

    Yesterday I dug carrots.  Today I scraped them.  Tomorrow we will cut and blanch them.  I thought I would get that done today, but for some reason I didn't.

    I did stop for a chocolate banana frappe at Cypress House.  I managed to dribble some down my shirt, so I wiped it off as soon as I  got home.  Then I dribbled again. I also dropped some baked beans from the CAN pork chop dinner on my shirt, so it is kind of a mess.

    Normal people would have changed their shirt.

    Johanna dropped off a mug from the Christmas market in Chicago last year.  I did not make it down, but now I have a mug.

    Finished Lincoln Highway last night.  Great story, highly recommend it.  Towles is the author.

    Now for some pictures that have no particular bearing on anything.

Peace and Love

Saw this in DeKalb by the dog treat store.

What a great idea!

Bib butt carrot

Weirdness comes in all shapes

Just how do you lose a drum?

Feel free to stop over and help cut

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