Thursday, November 10, 2022

odds and ends

 Nothing major about today

    Jackie had her hair done.

    I have a ritual, which I did not realize was now a habit.

    She gets her hair done in downtown Rochelle.  Right across the street is Acres Bistro.  I usually get her situated, then go to Acres for a coffee and dessert.

    I did not realize how often I have done that.  I walked into Acres, and the girl behind the counter said, "Hi Terry....we have chocolate bread pudding for dessert.  Do you want coffee?"

    Of course, I had to have it and it was absolutely amazing!  Deep chocolaty bread pudding with a dollop of whipped cream.....amazing!

    I also bring a book to read, so I sipped coffee, had my dessert, and read a little of "Dorian Gray."  Interesting writing, so far.

    I got home and we had two visitors.  Julia met with an architect for her house, and a friend came out to pick up a check.  Ranger was barking like crazy at both of them! It was a howling bark, loud and deep.  I don't think we had ever heard that.

    And he continued to bark at the architect while he was here.  Just weird.

    I mowed 90 percent of  the yard.   It got too dark to finish.  

     I should have been smart enough to put out the Christmas lights, but I was not.  Hopefully there are still a couple of 50 degree days on the horizon.

    Last night I was helping Jackie in  the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye I saw a pair of my blue jeans move across the floor and disappear.

    Ranger had dragged them out of the closet and had them in the living room in front of the tv.  Earlier I found one of Julia's shoes in the middle of the floor and thought it was odd she would leave one shoe there.  Now I have another suspect.

    Ranger likes to play.  I worry we don't play with him enough and he is getting bored and looking for other ways to get our attention.

    He really is skittish at night, so now I take a flashlight  when we go out for the last time.  I just hope a neighbor doesn't think I am a burgler and calls the cops.  Or opens fire with a bazooka!

    And finally....saw a butterfly in the native plants.  I thought it was a monarch, which means it will have a hard time making the migration.  It was moving south, but with the weather coming in, I don't know if it will make it very far.

    That's it!

Peace and Love

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