Tuesday, November 1, 2022

day 2..... touchdown!

 We had a long day today

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in Rolling Meadows.  Usually we call sister Judy, but we wanted to get home as soon as possible.  Good thing too, because Jackie did not feel well once we got home.  

    Ranger spent the day with Julia.  He was excited to see us get home. The big news is I took him  around the yard and he dropped a huge load!  Julia suggested puttng him on the 30 foot leash and letting him explore, which I did and he sniffed and sniffed and ...... kaboom!!!!

    I know....no one wants to read about a dog pooping.  But I was getting worried.

    I am sitting at my desk typing this.  Last night I posted and played a game of spider solitare and this is what happened.

    I don't even know how hegot up there, and then he was licking me like crazy!  I had to eventually put him down on the floor. Julia was laughing at us and took the picture.

    Now  to get Ranger to go up by Jackie.  Still not a connection.  We'll see what happens later this week when I go out for a while and Jackie is alone with him.

    My gosh, this was a beautiful day!  I hope we get another week of this weather.  I keep saying I am going to get on my bike, but I don't.  Maybe tomorrow.

    If you can, Tom Skilling of WGN is doing a series on climate change.

    One of the experts he had on Monday night in episode one said that while we have experienced hot and cold cycles in the past, these usually occur over thousands of years.  What we are experiencing now is much more rapid and much more threatening to our way of life.

    I just hope positive change is not too late.

Peace and Love

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