Thursday, December 1, 2022

not again!

 Dang it, my brain is gone

    Last week I went out with 2 places to stop on a hand writen list I had in my hand.

    I only stopped at one.

    How can that happen?

    Well, as Yogi said, it's deja vu all over again.

    Went into town with 4 stops on my list. Walmart was my last stop.

    I went to stop one, then stop two, then detoured to the cabinet guy,  and then the museum.  

    Got in the van and drove home.

    Jackie asked, "Did you get my perscription and that wash?"  Damn.  I did not.

    How does that happen??

    It was on a list!!  I read the list!!

    Cypress House for a coffee was on the list!!  What is happening to me?

    Then when I got home, she asked me to bring her her phone.  I walked all the way through the house with my phone and wallet in my hands.  I put the phone down on the counter and went to her holding my wallet.

    Seriously!  How does that happen??

    At some point I lost my glasses and Julia found a spot I don't remember being at.  But that is ok, as long as I have my glasses.

    Sometimes I just get a bit frustrated at how my mind functions.

Peace and Love


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