Monday, November 21, 2022

sold.....not sold....sold

 I listed my entertainment center on Marketplace

    Within the first 15 minutes I had several responses. 

    One person was going to send me money by Venmo.  I don't have a Venmo account, but Julia does.  So I got her.

    She became suspicious when the person asked for more personal information.  So we did nothing further with that.

    Then Julia suggested that when I get an offer, I go  to their Facebook page just to see if they are legit.

    Well, a couple did not have pages and one man was in Australia.  A lady told me to text her husband at a number that went to a physical rehab facility in Florida.  When I asked two others where they were, they discontinued the conversation and page.

    Not a very good feeling experience!

    I do have one person interested.  They have communicated with me and seem legit.

    They even have a Facebook page with lots of dog pictures.

    I had a lunch date with a friend.  We have been talking about doing this for several years.  I told him the earliest I could be there would be 11:30 of so.  He said fine and we agreed to meet today.  No, we never set a definite time. 12:30 I ordered French toast and had lunch alone.  I didn't want to sit there for an hour and just have coffee.....and I love French toast.  Maybe he is like me and doesn't check texts, forgets dates, and goes to the wrong place.

    Lastly, I have most of my outdoor lights up.  They are not all connected to timers yet, that will happen tomorrow.  It was a blessing to have a warmish day today.

    I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me!

Peace and Love

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