Sunday, November 13, 2022


 I actually accomplished something today

    I attended Zoom church, first time in a few weeks.

    Then Jackie and I went to see our friend Samantha in a children's theater production in Rockford.

    It was a cute little show with about 18-20 youngsters involved.  Some of the older ones were helpful in keeping the smaller ones  on task and facing the right direction.

    Samantha did a nice job playing a cat...I especially liked her whiskers!!

    This was in the former NAT theater just off State Street in Rockford.  I have been to that theater several times, but for some reason, my mind was a little confused today.  I did not see any signage, so I went into the building and asked and they said I was in the right place.

    It was exactly where I thought it was.

    When I got home I took a connection off an outside water spigot.  I could not turn it by hand, so I had to use a grips to get it off.

    My next job was to pull out the bird feeder and reinstall it so it is not at a 30 degree angle.  This is proving to be a lot harder than I thought.  The base screws into the soil, and my attempts at unscrewing it are so far futile.  Maybe tomorrow.

    Ranger and I play a new game.

    I take him out and stand in the yard while he stands on the sidewalk and whines.  After about 5 minutes, he gets the idea that we are not going back into the house until he does something.  Then he sniffs and sniffs until he finds an appropriate spot to christen with Ranger juice.

    It took 10 minutes today.  I was damn cold.

    The best part of the day was I did not watch the Bears.  

Peace and Love

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