Sunday, November 6, 2022

too late

 Sometimes life is like Dominoes

    You hit the first block, and if spaced properly, the rest will fall.

    That's why someone else bought the house I would have liked.

    The Dominos were not spaced right.

    Let me explain.

    I missed winning the last Powerball drawing by 6 numbers.  I saw a Steven Colbert bit about him having the winning ticket but some unknown forces changed the numbers so his ticket was not the winning one after all.  Frankly, the prize was stolen from him.

    I was going to do the same type of comment in my blog!  But I hesitated, and he did his, so I could not do mine because that would be copying his work.  I won't do that.

    But it was a great bit.

    And because I did not win, I won't meet Jimmy Buffett.

    Jimmy would have been the last Domino.  (I don't know if it should be capitalized or just the pizza company, but I'm not as smart as I used to be either.)

    I have been going to Buffett shows for the past few years with a much younger group of people.  We sometimes rent a boat on Lake Geneva, then go set up at the show and sit around and talk.  And drink, excpet I don't because I am not really able to handle alcohol well.

    But because I did not win the lottery, I did not buy the 12,289 sq. ft. house on Lake Geneva for $17 million.  It sits on 20 acres and has a beautiful front lawn creeping down to the lake.

    The house would have been perfect for our pre show get  togethers and would have been a great spot for a post show sleep over with Jimmy and the Coral Reefers.  We could sit and talk, and sing, and laugh.  Maybe have a drink or two.  With almost 1 billion dollars in my pocket, I think I could convince him to spend time with us.

    But no, the Domino did not fall and I did not win the 1.2 billion this drawing.  But they draw  again Monday night, and I will have my hands clutched around the winning ticket.

    So....Buffett ready for an awesome experience in 2023!!

    Sure, the odds are 300 million to 1, but I could be that one!

Peace and Love

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