Sunday, November 27, 2022


 I had a schocking experience today 


    I have a sore chest.  About 4 days ago I reinstalled my bird  feeder pole.  It screws into the ground.  I screwed it in about 14 inches, twisting and twisting until my twister was sore.

    Ever since my chest has hurt on the right side whenever I bend over, take a deep breath, or lift something.

    I don't think it is a heart issue, because I probably would be dead by now.  It's been 4 days.  It does hurt.

    I don't think  bringing up Christmas totes or helping move in the new entertainment center helped, because it hurts more today than before.

    Which brings me to the shocking situation.

    I was sitting on the couch watching a football game.  I had a heating pad on my chest.  I shifted in my seat and there was a huge pop, and  a flash, from the heating pad!  It did not turn off, but was blackened around the area where the cord enters the actual pad.  It was even slightly melted.

    I unplugged it and tossed it.

    My hand feels a little funny, almost like it is burned, but there are no marks of any kind.

    Otherwise it was a good day.

    A group of us met to discuss the Cubs in London.  We went through 2 bottles of wine, some scones, and some cranberry bread.  It was a great time.

    Have to be up real early tomorrow.  Jackie has to be at the local hospital at 8 a.m. for a little out patient work.  That means tomorrow I nap sometime!

Peace and Love

I don't remember the last time I saw one of these!

Our new television cabinet and tv

Scone with clotted cream and strawberry jam, also a slice of cranberry bread.

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