Friday, April 1, 2022

Oh dear

I had a very interesting morning 


    Julia took our car to Rockford for some work.  We felt her being gone a long time was better for Jackie.  Car had to have a computer update, which took about 5 hours.  Yikes.

    I had just finished tralking with my brother Carl on the phone, Julia was getting ready to leave, I got Jackie situated and I went out to get the garbage can before it blew away, possibly mating with my Christmas tree.

    It snowed all day yesterday.  Well, flurried most of the day.  There was no snow on the ground.  But there was a little snow and ice in front of our garage doors.

    Julia had just turned onto Skare Road when I hit the patch in front of our garage door.

    Next thing I know, I was airborn. 

    Not just a few least 25 feet in the air!  I looked down at the house!!  A hawk named Harrelson  saw me and said, "Don't worry, it's not the fall, it's the sudden stop."

    Harrelson was right.

    I hit the concrete on my left side.  My shoulder, arm, hip.  I may have hit my head.

    I looked up and saw Julia merrily rolling down the road, oblivious to what had befallen her beloved father.

    I lay still for abut 10 hours, then  said, "Surely, I must have broken something."

    Suddenly an angel appeared!  She had a beautiful set of wings, a tremendous body, and the face of Clarence in "It's a Wonderful Life."

    "Nothing's broken.  Get up you wuss," it said, in a voice that sounded distinctly New Yorkish.

    "Who are you?" I asked.

    "I'm angel you idiot.  You called me."

    "No," I explained, "I said surely."

    "Well, damn.  I was just passing by and heard my name.  Never mind," and it vanished in a blaze of light.

    I picked myself up, found the ice melter and spread some on the spots in front of the garage.  The horses were already out of the barn, but I felt I need to do something.

    My shoulder is sore, but I can move it.  My neck is a little sore and my headache is back with a vengance.

    Now  this had to happen April 1.  All winter I have walked on snow and  ice and not once have I lost my balance.  Today....down like a Republican criticizing Trump.

    I just wonder how sore I will be tomorrow.

    If you happen to run into an angel named Shirley, tell her I said hello.

Peace, Love and Pray for Ukraine

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