Friday, April 22, 2022


 I understand the need for rules and regs

    But they can be so frustrating!

    A former coworker's husband died.  I sent a sympathy cared from Jackie and me.  The card came back as undeliverable.

    The person was no longer in their house, but in a nursing home.

    So I went to the nursing home to drop off the card.

    I asked the person at the desk if Jane Doe was a resident, and the girl said she could not say.

    I could fill out a form, and once approved, be given the information.

    So I asked if I left the card at the desk, would Jane Doe get it?  Again, I was told she could not say.

    So I said, "I will just leave it here.  If she is a resident, please see that she gets it.  If she is not a resident, then toss it."

    What else could I do?

    In hindsight, I should have said, "I  know Jane Doe is a resident here, please see that she gets this card."   But I didn't.

     Julia got a notice from her bank in Switerland, where she still has a little money in an account.

    She can't close the account because she doesn't have the right forms.  But they didn't send the forms, even though the letter said they were enclosed.  And she can't access the money because she is not a resident of Switzerland.

    I am sure there are reasons, but it is just irritating.

    By the way, I have had a little wine tonight with my pizza, so maybe my spelling is not so good, yes?

    Have a great that the rains have gone (?) maybe we will have one nice day.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine

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