Tuesday, April 26, 2022

delay pays

 I have not planted anything, yet

    I think that might have been my wisest move of the gardening season!

    We have another frost warning for tonight, second one this week.  I wonder how all those plants out in front of the stores are going to fare.  I bet we are all pretty careful about what we buy.

    Normally I would have prepared the garden for planting, maybe even planted some peas.  I did that last year on Good Friday and as soon as they came up, it frosted.  I planted again, and they did not come up at all.  I planted peas 3 times, and did not get many to  intentionally freeze.

    This year, I am waiting.  I know, peas like it cold.... but I don't think they like frost.

    Maybe May 5 I will plant....I think that is the late frost date for us.

    Emily will be taking Cooper in Friday.  I believe John is going with her.  My heart breaks for her because Cooper was her dog.  She got him as a puppy.  

    And....I hit my wife last night!

    I think 3 times!

    When I did it,I was actually punching a man in a grey uniform who was making fun of my dead horse.  He kept saying mean things, so I punched him.

    That's when Jackie woke me uip and said, "Stop hitting me!"

    I have NEVER had a dream that vivid!  Now I wonder what the hell I ate or drank to cause it.  I sure won't do that again.

    And so you know, I did not hurt her.  No bruises, nothing damaged.  I still can't believe it happened.

    Maybe tonight I'll dream sweet dreams.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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