Thursday, April 28, 2022


 I had a couple of rough moments today

    Went to DeKalb  today for a blood test prior to my urologiest's appointment next week.

    Whenever I go to DeKalb, I stop and get a Starbucks.  Today was no different.

    However, what was different was my reaction.

    The last time I was at this store, Corki was with me.  She got here puppychino and I got my latte.  We went to the parking lot and she consumed her treat while I sipped mine.

    I was in the store, waiting, and that memory flooded over me.  My eyes welled up, I got my coffee, and I sat in the car in the parking lot crying my eyes out.  I still have the video of her licking the treat, and I sat and watched that several times through my tears.

    It was 3 weeks ago that we lost her. We miss her every day.

    I let the dogs out at Emily's after that.

    Moment number two.

    She and John are taking Cooper in tomorrow morning.  I sat with Cooper for several minutes, petting him, feeding him too many treats, and telling him to say hello to Corki when he sees her.  

    Cooper is a great dog.  Emily has had him since he was a pup, but life is getting too tough for him. It's his time.

    So I had a double dose.  I grieved for him, and wished Jackie and I had the chance to say goodbye to Corki  We left her on  a table.  I was going back for her in 2 hours.  She was not supposed to die.  She was not supposed to die without us being there.  

    I still cry for her.

    Which brings me to moment number 3.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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