Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April showers

 Like many of you, I am done with April

    Too cold, too wet.  This week is a fine example of the weirdness of April.  It's 40 something today and will be near 80 Saturday.

    It is no fun.

    Most of you see this blog through Facebook.  And like most of you, memories pop up on your FB page.

    Some of my memories this week were of past VCCT shows, Exit 99 shows, and the weather.  Some memories focused on snow this week, others rain, a few even  nice days.  A lot over the years have been about the Cubs, not always good.

    But I am shocked by the number of times I have said I had a sleepless night!  Going back to 10 years ago, I had trouble sleeping.  Up at 3, not asleep by 2, tired in the goodness, this is not anything new for me!

    Last night I was up and down until about 2:30.  I took a melatonin, and a Benedryl, but could not sleep.  Somewhere around 3 Jackie talked to me and within minutes I was asleep.

    No, my wife did not bore me to sleep....I think the Benedryl just took a while to kick in.

    We were baby sitting a dog last night and I thought my nighttime ramblings through the house would bother her, but she did not stir.  I wish I could sleep that soundly.

    Whether it is tension, worry, anxiety, caffeine, the mattress, the pillow......whatever, this is not a new condition for me.  Once I get to sleep I am usually ok, it is just getting there that is a problem.

    It does get a tad irritating to lay in bed and not fall asleep, tossing and  turning, fidgeting, thinking.......just a tad irritating.

    I wish I had an off switch for my brain.  Maybe meditation would help.  Maybe I need to start chanting before I hit the pillow. least my problems will eventually become memories.

    May all your memories be happy ones.

Peace and Love.  Pray for Ukraine.

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