Sunday, April 10, 2022

day 3

Today was much better 

    I only cried three times.  I still see Corki in  the yard and in the house.  I can still feel her presence.

    Emily came over tonight for dinner.  Julia made Ikea Swedish meatballs with gravy and lingenberry sauce.  I made air fried parmesan potatoes and it was a good meal.  I did forget a vegetable, but no one seemed to mind.

    During the talk going round the room, I said I would not mind getting another dog.

    It would not look like Corki, act like Corki, or be called Corki.  It would be an older dog, but new to us.  Jackie agrees.  Julia has to approve because there is a chance the dog would outlive us.  A slim chance, but we need to plan for all events.

    We won't start looking until summer.  I need time to heal, Jackie needs time to heal, Julia needs time to heal.  Time heals all wounds, right?

    I know in the end someone will grieve, either me, Jackie, the family, or the dog.  

    I also told everyone that when I die I will be cremated.  I want some of Corki's ashes mixed in with mine.  I left her once, I don't want to leave her again.

    To be honest, sometimes I think I am nuts.  You may too.  It seems unnatural to feel such profound grief over a dog!  But for nearly 7 years she was my pal, my confidant, my companion on neighborhood walks, my fellow Starbucks fan.  I miss her deeply.  

    Thanks to everyone who has sent their thoughts and sympathies.  It is a comfort.

Peace and Love   Prayers for Ukraine

1 comment:

  1. Terry, we have the ashes of my/our beloved dogkids and Lynne knows that I wish to be cremated and their ashes mixed with mine, too. It's a little bit of a hoot to know that they will be interred with me at the ever-so-proper columbarium at St. Mark's, Glen Ellen. And if they, if your Corki, isn't in heaven, then, it isn't really heaven is it? There is really no explaining this love, it just is. I am sad with you.
